SBA – Tribal Self-Assessment Tool
Challenge: A need existed for economic development practices, tools and methodology and to help tribes understand the opportunities and competitive advantages available.
Solution: The Small Business Administration’s Office of Native American Affairs (ONAA) partnered with our team to create a “Tribal Self-Assessment Tool”. Our staff pulled together a coalition of subject matter experts; lawyers well versed in Indian Law, native corporate CEO’s, economists with long-term ties to Indian Country, academics, native entrepreneurs, and leaders of Native non-profits.
Results: An on-line Tribal Self-Assessment Tool was created to allow community planners and leaders to “walk-through” all of the elements of economic development and assess their tribe’s strengths and weaknesses. Tribal communities that use the Tribal Self-Assessment Tool will be better positioned to make decisions on economic ventures, will have more tribal community support from the start, and will significantly increase the likelihood of long-term success.
NASA, Kennedy Space Center – Workforce Development
Challenge: Following the Columbia shuttle tragedy, a report by the independent Columbia Accident Investigation Board identified NASA’s “self-deceptive” and “overconfident” culture as one of the contributing factors to the accident. The Director of Kennedy Space Center (KSC) and KSC’s Change Manager felt a strong need to ensure that the center’s values be enhanced in order to return to flight and to fulfill the mission of the Kennedy Space Center.
Solution: The One Fire team was brought in to work with KSC’s Change Manager, the Center Director, the leadership team, and project teams to help KSC achieve a successful implementation of their many ongoing change projects. The work included an organizational assessment and analysis as well as chartering, launching and providing oversight to strategic initiatives such as NASA values, leadership communication, performance management, work process improvement, and behavioral based training.
Results: An organizational culture assessment and analysis has been completed and a baseline has been established. A Culture Enhancement Initiative Scorecard has been developed with timelines and deliverables. Project teams have been launched and are now delivering on their projects. KSC leaders are focused and armed to align their organizations to enhance NASA’s values. Change Management Leadership is providing a wealth of support to business leaders. Top leaders throughout KSC are better prepared to lead and create culture change within their organization.
Veteran’s Benefits Administration, Los Angeles Regional Office
Challenge: The Los Angeles Regional Office was one of the lowest performing VBA district offices in the country and was threatened to be closed.
Solution: Our consultants helped create a clear vision, gained buy-in and support for a major culture change. We assisted in completely changing the work environment and organizational structure, and created a “Visual Management” office. We helped redesign processes including HR planning, recruitment, selection and assimilation, tracking and reporting, performance management, and reward systems.
Results: The Office received the Director of the United States Office of Personnel Management’s PILLAR (Performance Incentive Leadership Linked to Achieving Results) Award—one of only two federal agencies to receive this award. The office has received a number of additional Awards including a Reinventing Government Award.