
Change Management

Strategy Clarification

Organizational Design and Development

One fire development

Fire has a deep-rooted meaning to Native American people. No fire has held greater significance than the central fire in a tribe’s mother town. That central fire was the source to light the sacred fire in every village that burned perpetually during the year.

Once a year the entire nation was brought together for a ceremony to extinguish the fire of the past year so that the fire for the coming year could be lit. In this way, the fire ensured the continued survival of the people as well as provided a means for all to come together in one thought and one purpose.

It is from this notion of one fire that we draw our guiding principle. One Fire Development is dedicated to advancing Native American community and economic development through recognizing and valuing the inherent capacities and wisdom that uniquely exist in each Tribal community. We provide the tools to help Tribal communities succeed as entrepreneurs, business owners, Tribal officers, and community leaders.